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Licensing Board Agenda 01/13/2014
Notice is hereby that a meeting of the Salem Licensing Board will be held on Monday, January 13, 2014 at 6:00p.m., at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street in the third floor conference room.


1. Application for a Special One Day Liquor License for Salem Jazz & Soul Festival on August 16 and 17, 2014 and Entertainment License and Blanket Vendor License and concert series in May, June, July and August 2014. Applicant: Matt Caruso, Salem Jazz & Soul.

2. Application for three (3) Special One Day Liquor Licenses on February 1, 6, and 7, 2014. Applicant: George McCabe, North Shore Bartending.   

3. Application for Special One Day Liquor License on March 1, 2014 at Old Town Hall. Applicant: Junior Aid Society.  

4. Application for Special One Day Liquor License on January 18, 2014 at First Universalist Church. Applicant: Harry Zarkedas, Platoruium Entertainment.

5. Application for Change of Manager. Applicant: Nolo Opus, Washington Street.

6. Application for Change of Manager. Applicant: Hibernian Assoc. of Salem, Inc. d/b/a/ AOH, Boston Street.

7. Application to amend Entertainment License. Applicant: Longboard’s Café, Wharf Street.

8. Application for a Class II Auto Dealers License. Applicant: Boxer Motor Works, Inc.

9. Application for Individuals FT license. Applicant: Shana Ross, 21 Pickman Street.

10. Application for Sub licensee FT license. Applicant: Laura Broderick for OMEN.   

11. Discussion with Black Lobster, Bridge Street regarding disturbance calls and noise complaints.

12. Hearing with Black Lobster regarding incident on Thursday, November 28, 2013.

13. Communications

14. Old/New Business

15. Approval of Meeting Minutes from December 16, 2013.

16. Adjournment

Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board

Know your rights under the Open Meeting Law M.G.L. c. 30A and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 and through 2-2033.